Cillit Bang, the hardcore cleaning sensation!

With the supreme naffness of the Cillit Bang ads, it was bound to happen eventually. The ads on telly have chirpy and often badly dubbed spokesmen in each country of airing, Jakob Holm in Denmark, Barry Scott in the UK. The colors are hysterical and bright with extra fuschia thrown in for good measure, and the spiel so annoyingly perky that the ads were a cult joke already.

Really, it was just a matter of time before someone mixed that euro-trash ad into a euro-trashy dance song. Go Cillit Bang!

See the windows media video over at LuckyKazoo.

Sing along, you know the lyrics already.

The ad-mixers own website is here where all you die-hard fans can download the windows media Cillit Bang remix straight to your desktop.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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wendellwit's picture

I just feel lucky that nobody tried the same thing with the American Cleaning/Advertising Miracle OxiClean

Dabitch's picture

Hehehe.. I'm sure it would be a huge improvement to those ads. :)
What's with that spokepersons beard? Is it real?

claymore's picture

Hmm... I was thinking a technotrash remix would be perfect for this... Ronco!

Dabitch's picture

Oh yes you're right! That would be great - set it and forget it!.

aiiobo's picture

awesomeness squared!

Dabitch's picture

If Cillit Bang knew what was good for them they should release that as a single and show this edit as the video on MTV.
