Don't hate me because I'm DM

The Direct Marketing Association has launched a new website,, in the hopes of changing public perception of the direct industry, which was named Britian's most disliked industry on last year's 'Brassed Off Britain' TV series.

Leading the PR campaign and making appearences on talk shows for the DMA is Alice Beer. She also is featured on the website with an "Ask Alice" column.

"The direct marketing industry has a mountain to climb to regain the public's confidence, but the very fact that a sustained campaign on this scale is being launched today is a significant first-step from the industry," Beer said.

"It is essential for the direct marketing industry to be speaking directly to consumers about the rights and choices they have and making clear its commitment to expose and punish the minority of rogues, which are tarnishing the reputation of the entire industry."

James Kelly, DMA managing director, said: "This campaign and its messages have been developed following extensive public consultation. We accept that changing consumer perceptions won't happen overnight and this is exactly why we haven't simply focused on the benefits of direct marketing in the first stage of the campaign."

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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AnonymousCoward's picture

personaly,DM is the effective way to persuade ,at least on myself

Robblink's picture

DM executed poorly is just pure junk mail (which you see a lot). That's why you have crap response rates.

PR and word of mouth works best on me.