AAA - Visitor "it's pronounced triple A" (2015) :30 (USA)

Bringing home a date, this dude is likely hoping to get lucky judging by how much the couple are touching each other at the door, but once inside they're greeted with disaster. A torn up living room, broken things, A GOAT, and worse still the roommate is still home. Eating cereal he corrects "Actually it's pronounced triple A". This "more hipster than thou" delivery style comment is so out of left field I laughed as hard as that goat.

See also Engine failure and Hotel.

Client: AAA Mid-Atlantic
Agency: 160over90
Chief Executive Officer and Founder: Shannon Slusher
Chief Creative Officer and Founder: Darryl Cilli
Chief Creative Officer and Principal: Jim Walls
Chief Strategy Officer and Principal: John Campanella
Creative Director: Sig Gross
Associate Creative Director/Copywriter: Jill Spradley
Art Director: Austin Lotz
Account Director: Paul Gladney
Executive Producer: Tom Ammon
Producer: Nick Pitcavage
Lead Video Editor: Max Paolucci
Production Company: MJZ
Director: Clay Williams

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That Taylor Swift goat is really going places.