Apple - Mac vs PC -Teeter Tottering - (2009) :30 (USA)

Lady decides to switch. Maybe. Yes. No. Ok, she does.

See also, live action news and the horrendous fashion show in broken promises.

Spot: "Teeter Tottering"
Agency: TBWA\Media Arts Lab
CCO/ECD: Duncan Milner, Eric Grunbaum
CD: Jason Sperling
ACD: Chuck Monn , Kevin Tenglin
SrAD/SrCopy Writer: Jamie Reilly, Pete Figel
Agency Producers: Anne Oburgh, R.J. Pomeroy
Production Co: Epoch Films
Director: Phil Morrison
DP: Peter Donahue
Editorial Co: Beast Editing Company, Inc
Editor: Lucas Eskin
Post Co: Company 3
Artist: Brian Robinson

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