Les Grossman 2010 MTV Movie Awards Show Opener

Starring Tom Cruise as Les (the gross) Grossman, Will Smith as the future karate kid's concerned father figure, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner as the perplexed soon-to-be bad ass cops, and Michael Cera as the bookends. See also bumpers Risky Business, Hair and Wedding.

Agency: MTV On-Air Promos
Agency ECD: Kevin Mackall
Agency Executive Producer: Brent Stoller, Audrey Morrissey
Agency Producer: Nathan Lynch
Writers: Rob Cohen, Josh Bycel, Justin Theroux, Nicolle Yaron, Brent Bradshaw, Aaron Stoller

Director: Aaron Stoller
Production Company: Biscuit Filmworks USA
Senior Executive Producer: Shawn Lacy
Executive Producer: Colleen O'Donnell
Line Producer: Mark Hall
Director of Photography: Bryan Newman
Production Designer: Dan Butts

Editor: Aaron Langley
Editorial Company: Cosmo Street

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