Lloyds - House in the Sky (2010), UK

RKCR/Y&R wanted to convey the flexibility of a Lloyds TSB mortgage to the customer. RKCR/Y&R did this by showing a flying house that happens to run into bad weather which they navigate through safely then emerge out the cloud to a sunny and clear sky. The conclusion being that it’s better to be flexible because you never know what is going to happen in life.

• Advertising Agency: RKCR/ Y&R • Creative Director: Damon Collins • Copywriter: Anne Marie Holub • Art Director: Mary Ann Schmittzehe • Planner: Anna Tetlow • Account Director: Sarah Wood • Account Manager: Laura Knight • Agency Producer: Fiona Plumstead • Media Company: MEC • Production Company: Studio AKA • Director: Marc Craste • Editor: Nick Gill • Producer: Sharon Titmarsh • Post-production: Moving Picture Company • Audio post-production: Jungle

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