Toyota Highlander "Discovery machine" (2017) :30 (USA)

With the 1950's cocktail jazz drums and the magical lights appearing and fire bursts and doors opening with hosts in white tuxedos passing by Dekotora trucks this spot is as magical and fanciful as a Heineken ad. The only thing that is wrong with it is the child's voice over which is not only miscast for a spot this wondrous, but there's not really a need for it either. It's pretty obvious the car is turning heads. It actually feels like the car itself is miscast in this spot. No offense to family cars. But even if it were a Fiat Spyder or Maserati or something, in terms of car advertising, we should probably put a moratorium on this direction.

Client: Toyota
Agency: Saatchi and Saatchi LA
Director: Filip Engstrom

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