US Cencus - Silent Chant - (2010) :30

In an amazing act of choreography, Rabbit directing team TWiN, via GlobalHue, finished a remarkable :30 showing the power that communities gain from filling out the US Census.

Silent Chant opens with a lone woman crossing into a busy urban intersection and halting. She opens her mouth as if to speak to passersby, but no words emerge. Her befuddled neighbors stare in confusion and then begin to join the woman in the streets. The movement starts slowly, but soon the community is moving en mass, pouring from buses, from parks, from surrounding buildings to join her and shout silently in the street. TWiN beautifully captures this impulsive gathering with an ever-shifting mix of overhead panoramas, close-ups, action shots, and views of the intersection from various on-the-ground and overhead points.

From a window high overhead, a young man looks over the scene, paper and pen in hand. Inspired, he descends to street level and drops the paper - his US Census - into a mailbox. The roars of the community suddenly and symbolically explode into hearing, portraying how the power of delivering the Census gives voice to their concerns. "Schools," they chant in repeated unison, "community centers, best protection, hospitals!" The spot closes on a dramatic overhead shot of the choked streets as the chants echo through the air.

Client: US Census
Spots Title: Silent Chant
Air Date: March 2010

Agency: GlobalHue
SVP, Executive CD: Desmond Hall
Senior Art Director: Joanna Jenkins
Art Director: Vince Smith
Account Director: Willie Tellis
Account Supervisor: Richelle Johnson
Senior Broadcast Producer: Dale Bramwell

Prod Company: Rabbit
Director: TWiN
EP(s): Douglas Howell, Anura Idupuganti
Producer: Shelby Ross
Production Supervisor: Tracy Zukowski
Editorial: Chinagraph
Sound Mixer: Tony Starbuck
Shoot Location: NYC

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