Försäkringskassan - Barnledig pappa / Paid paternity Leave (1976) :60 (Sweden)

Janne "Loffe" Carlsson plays a working dad, who excitedly announces to his friends at the train station that he will take paid paternity leave while he hands out cigars.
"Since both I and Ruth work, we can split the 210 days, so I get paid the days I stay home with the baby".

His buddies gently mock him, but he is still all about it, brags about the latest style pram, and when a woman asks "Are you going to breastfeed too?" he jokingly retorts: "There are bottles for us dads with tiny boobs!"

Client: Försäkringskassan - Swedish Social Insurance Agency

Principal talent: Janne "Loffe" Carlsson

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