Verizon Droid - "Surfer" - (2009) :30 (USA)

Hot on the heels of iDon't comes surfer.

Project Name: Verizon Droid "Surfer"
Running Time: :30
Release Date: 11.9.09

Client: Verizon

Ad Agency: mcgarrybowen
ECD/Managing Partner: Mark Koelfgen
Executive Creative Director: Warren Eakins
Art Director: Aaron Adler
Copywriter: Mark Abellera
Agency Producer: Letitia Jacobs
Agency Executive Producer: Roseanne Horn

Production / Design Company: Elastic
Director: Patrick Murphy
Executive Producer: Jennifer Sofio Hall
Director of Photography: Marcelo Durst
Live Action Producer: David Wolfson
Production Designer: Vance Lorenzini

VFX Company: a52
Producer: Jenny Bright
Associate Producer: Heather Johann

Editorial Company: Rock Paper Scissors
Editor: David Brodie
Producer: Suzi Ramirez
Executive Producer: Carol Lynn "CL" Weaver

Color-Correction: MPC
Colorist: Mark Gethin

Sound Design Company: Machine Head
Sound Designer: Stephen Dewey

Final Mix Company: Lime

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