Copper Mountain Colorado "I like Action" (2013) :30 (USA)

To sell Copper Mountain resort, Wexley introduces us to a family that spend the first ten seconds of the spot talking about "coming"

Hey, you gotta sell ski resorts in summer somehow, right?

Did I mention this spot stars a family?

Client: Copper Mountain Resort
Agency: Wexley School for Girls
Executive Creative Directors: Cal McAllister, Todd Grant
Director of Production: Gabe Hajiani
Writer: Cal McAllister
Art Director: Todd Grant
Designer: Sean Hamilton
Executive Producer: Gina Windemuth
Associate Producer: Maddy Paulino
Account Supervisor: Jordan Kinsler
Account Manager: MacKenzie Huff
Clients: Copper Mountain – Dwight Eppinger, Erin Woods
Production Co: Alarming Pictures
Director(s): Jack Hodge, Carol Hodge
Producer: Mark Campbell
DP: Stephen McGhee
Editorial Co: Duncan Sharp Films
Editor: Duncan Sharp
Audio: Pure Audio
Sound Designer/Mixer: Scott Weiss
Talent: Pete Giovine
Emily Rued
Jamie Morgan
Geoff Lott

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... They should have a swingers festival.... It ain't the aristocrats.

What is wrong with the guy on the left? It's like they hired two really tall adults and two smaller adults for this.