Crow to hawk for Dell

Starting tomorrow, commercials airing nationwide for Dell's personal computers and consumer electronics will feature singer Sheryl Crow and her new single, "Good is Good."

The new commercials will show Crow at home, playing around with her guitar and Dell's home-entertainment products. At one point, she watches her new video on a Dell plasma TV and flips through on-screen menus using the media center remote control.

Dell screened about 40 celebrities before choosing Crow, "in large part for being real and accessible," Farello said.

Aside from her music fame, Crow is also known as the girlfriend of pro-cycling champion Lance Armstrong. Hewlett-Packard Co., Dell's chief rival, recently presented a special-edition Lance Armstrong notebook computer.

Update: the ad is here Dell - Sheryl Crow (2005) 0:60 (USA)

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philmang's picture

funny - she was hawking for apple in the same way about 2 years ago...

Dabitch's picture

Not exactly brand loyal then? ;)

TDD's picture

Sheryl Crow endorsed Apple's iTunes, and later Sony's online music store. She certainly seems to be generous with her product endorsements.