Pepsi brings back surf advert

Back in January, Dab posted about Pepsi pulling/postponing a surf themed ad featuring Beckham, Ronaldinho and Thierry Henry and other football stars, after the tragic tsunami that hit Southeast Asia last Decemeber.

Now, Pepsi has brought the ad back, although with caution. The ad, created by AMV BBDO, won't be airing on TV but will be viewable on Pepsi's site accompanied by a hefty PR campaign, by Ketchum.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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silver3's picture

Yes, Tsunamis are deadly, but c'mon.
Being so called "sensitive" publicly to these types of
nature borne natural selection happenings is just way too PC.

Grow some fucking balls Pepsi if you really want to attract the Pepsi-Futbol-
Surf-In-The-The-Wake-Of-F'ing the man, customer.

Of course Pepsi brought the ads back. They spent money on them
and don't want to piss it away.

AnonymousCoward's picture

actually i saw this commercial on tv.this past june. but, labeled with pepsi marketing strategy, i guess. but if pepsi think like that they have to think this- "our world is not big anymore."

AnonymousCoward's picture

my 2 cents: i'm currently in india and these ads are being aired every 5 minutes.