Danica Patrick will be in Godaddy Superbowl ads until 2012

danica patrick

adweek spoke to Danica Patrick.

This year, Patrick will be back as GoDaddy has purchased two 30-second spots, created in-house, during Super Bowl XLIV on Feb. 7. Today, she announced a three-year deal with Andretti Autosport to remain with GoDaddy.com through 2012.

A (almost strip-)teasing Danica Patrick seems to be working for them, as they stick with their 'sexy' ideas despite ending up up on the top five worst super bowl ads of all time with that über-bad ad "Marketing" in 2007. That same year GoDaddy's ad agency Shine washed their hands of Godaddy and walked away so the crud they do now is all in-house.

In other words, expect more of this: GoDaddy - Shower, Enhanced hearing, GoDaddy White Light, Godaddy Spot on, proceedings and so on.

When Danica isn't looking hot for GoDaddy she competes in the Indy 500. Now that's hot, I remember when Janet Guthrie was the first woman to earn a starting place in the Indie 500, as I was her biggest fan back in 1977, even had red toy car with the number 68 on it since mom couldn't find any lunchboxes (that was the year of the horrible horrible Osmonds lunchbox, I'm still traumatized, Marie's teeth haunt my nightmares). Danica tells adweek she'd like to do ads for other brands as well, and name drops Pepsi, not fearing the curse. I have another suggestion: how about Dr Pepper?

Godaddy / Danica Patrick - Speeding ticket - (2009) 2:00 (USA)

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