The Dortmund Concert Hall has music for everyone. Even porn stars. (print) Germany

Looks like the creative group at Jung von Matt had a lot of fun when they created this ad for the Dortmund Concert Hall to show that said hall has music for everyone. Even porn stars and pierced people.

You really need to see the full size for this one, just click on the image above.

Dortmund Concert Hall
Agency :Jung von Matt / Elbe

Wolf Heunann (Executive Creative Director)
Sascha Hanke (Creative Director)
Timm Hanebeck (Creative Director)
Patrik Hartmann (Art Director)
Michael Okun (Copywriter)
Anja Dethloff (Junior Art Director)
Max Stralka (Junior Copywriter)

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alex's picture

*sigh* Lovely.

Dabitch's picture

Yeah. I cracked up at "hotel guests"

Wendall's picture

I really like that.