Dove Men+Care - #RealStrength Super Bowl ad - (2015) (USA)

This Dove ad previously aired on Fathers Day 2014 as #realdadmoments, now revamped with #RealStrength as a hashtag instead. Which honestly, doesn't make much difference at all. The beauty of this ad lies in the simple storytelling, all the ways kids say "Daddy" and the thousand intonations making that word communicate so much more each time. This lovely bit of film shows dad as the hero, the shoulder to cry on, the ride when the car breaks down, the first dance man, the jokester, the guy to turn to when you need a hug. Its a refreshing step away from the dofus dad stereotype, and a continuation of the journey Dove began in Super Bowl 2010 with the man version of the mom song.

Brand: Dove Men + Care
Agency: The Marketing Arm
President: Tom Meyer
Creative Director: Marc Gilbar
Agency Producer & Account Director: Meg Quinn
Agency Producer: Ben Greenberg

Production Company: Stun Creative
Executive Producers: Mark Feldstein and Brad Roth
Head of Production: Jared Christensen
Line Producer: Richard Sven Shelgren
Director: Rob Meltzer
DP: Eric Haase
Editor: Rob Meltzer and Dayne Tanokia
Music: Extreme Music


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