Draft NZ ambient campaign helps keep out the draft

Creatives Darryl Roycroft and Graham Wiremu and photographer Greg Semu have worked to create the latest ambient campaign from Draft New Zealand.

The installation, by Rocket Signtists, has gone up in shopping malls for Curtain Bank, a charity that is sponsored the huge power utility company Genesis Energy and one of Draft NZ's main clients.

Behind a real window frame is the image of a child's bedroom, revealing the uncomfortable reality of some homes in poorer parts of New Zealand.

The copy on the plaque reads: Nobody deserves this kind of exposure

Curtains don’t just keep out prying eyes, they keep out the cold.
Far too many Waikato families freeze because their homes are without curtains.
So please, donate your old curtains and give warmth to a needy family.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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AnonymousCoward's picture

Nice, and a heck of a lot better than some of the photo-shopped mockvertising thats doing the rounds at the moment.

Dabitch's picture

good pun caff!

AnonymousCoward's picture

One of the main reasons, I suspect, that people don't have curtains is that they can't afford them. And one of the main reasons they can't afford them is because they have to pay Genesis' usurious power bills. This is PR and, no pun intended, the most transparent PR.