Dream garden' ad leads to lawsuit

A "Dream garden'" ad leads to lawsuit screams a June 7 article on the bottom front page of the "City & Region" section of the "Boston Globe".

Well kids, here's the scoop. Say hello to one Bruce MacDowell, professional landscaper and nursery owner. Bruce has a big fat green thumb, which "labored over every bush, tree, and flower on his verdant (must look up that word „ Pablo), which he showcases in photographs to tout his business".

Now it gets interesting.

And on that note the Boston Globe article continues with a new paragraph (how edgy „ Pablo). "So imagine his (Bruce's not Pablo's) surprise when he picked up a competitor's advertisement and saw a familiar sight: the "dream" garden featured in the photograph was his own backyard" Needless to say, Bruce got on the horn to his lawyers and another episode of "I'm going to sue the seat of your pants" started anew.

But here's the clincher. It turns out that the photo in the offensive ad in question was actually sold by Bruce to a stock agency years ago. Off course, neither stock house or ad agency had a clue. Nonetheless, Bruce, who is available only through his lawyer, is not pleased. I'm Pablo for Adland in Boston, saying "Look what the cat dragged in."

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