Duke Cannon Supply Co "Crack a Thick" (2020) 1:20 (USA)

"It's thick, shower soap, take a whiff of life, take it all in, it's thick, shower soap, the brand will be with you through thick, but not thin."

Before this whole pandemic thing happened, the fine folks at Duke Cannon shot a spot for their thick shower soap that was reminiscent of a 1980's beer commercial, complete with rousing jingle. 

It also reminds me in a way of those all commercials for Zest soap that were popular in the 80's and early 90's that reminded everyone "You're not fully clean unless you're Zestfully clean."

Holy shit would i like to get out of this pandemic and set the time machine for the 80's when jingles were the rage. I'd make a killing writing jingles.

The visuals are as equally tongue-in-cheek, showing the men on a farm kicking back after a hard day's work and toasting each other...with shower soap. It's so stupid-funny it's brilliant.

By the way, Duke Cannon also created some damn fine posters to help remind us to wash our hands and keep our distance during this coronavirus time. They look like World War Two posters and they are equally awesome. 

This brand is nothing if not consistent with its brand tone and voice. 

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