Dumb eBay "advertising" auction of the week

For a while there we wouldn't touch eBay auction crap with a ten foot T-square since it was such a cheap ploy to get attention, but now there are so many of them, some dumber than others, that I reckon we could do a post a week with it. Don't you?

This week, some clever moron is trying to sell "the right to put whatever you want in my msn messenger nickname". Wow!

Msn Advertising Space - Website Advertising Space auction

Of course, this violates Ebays terms of service but that usually doesn't kick into deletion gear until after the bid has generated lots of posts (and free "ads" for ebay) all around the web.

Screendump for those who miss the live auction.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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makethelogobigger's picture

Quote of the ad: "It currently is not doing that well because it has become a new site..."

Yeah, Josh. If you ebay it