Economic Times India: "Ventriloquism in social media and advertising" 2013

The Economic Times, India, has a look at the trend of ad commentary is now created by advertising industry insiders in: Ventriloquism in social media and advertising: How it helps brands

And we get a mention. 

People vent all the time; especially those in a creative profession like advertising . It used to happen on a few noholds-barred anonymous blogs. One was famously named 'circlejerk' and 'teabaggers' . The Canadian blog attracted more than just creatives from the country. Its owner Wanda tried to keep it away from mainstream publicity but after featuring in The Globe and Mail, it was eventually shut after being overrun by trolls.

Another storm in a teacup was brewing at Åsk Wappling, founder of ad portal,, who writes under the pen name 'Å sk Dabitch' , recalls: "A big debate once broke out on the blog regarding a new poster campaign touting Stockholm as the next city for the Olympics. I (and others) tore the campaign apart as preaching to the converted. In steps the real Scott Goodson (of StrawberryFrog), the man behind the campaign, and he defends it step by step. It was a great place for highly passionate discussion like that, albeit for a brief moment in time." What killed these pages was probably the anonymity, she feels.

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