ELISA ”Stay Connected” (2017) 2:22 (Finland)

Well here's a tearjerker for telecom operator Elisa, featuring a rebellious teenager and his doting father who just wants to connect with his son. We watch as day after day all attempts by the father to share familiar love get rebuffed until one day the kid gets his ass beat at a party and reverts to the child he's always been. He's not a tough rebellious kid after all, but is not ready for the life adulthood throws at him. Unlike the prodigal son he doesn't return but drops a pin to his location where his dad can then come and pick him up. It's a sad commentary that the devices that were meant to connect us so much often keep us apart. But a recent study has found teenagers would love to spend more time with their parents, but the learning curve to social media makes it difficult.
The casting is great here, and using Birdy's cover of Bon Iver's "Skinny Love," is a nice touch, too.

Client: Elisa
EVP, Communications: Katiye Vuorela
VP, Marketing, Consumer BusinessTomi Wirtanen
Marketing Manager: Pekka Kyllönen
Marketing Manager: Tommi Taponen
Agency: Bob the Robot
Creative Director and Storywriter: Toni Tiusanen
Copywriter: Toni Tiusanen, Ilkka Sairanen
Art Director: Henri Haka
Project Lead: Nina Miettinen
Head of Client Team: Maija Silamo

Production Company: Directors Guild Helsinki
Director: Pete Riski
Executive Producer: Ville Varesvuo
Producer: Juha-Matti Nieminen
DOP: Jean-Noël Mustonen
Editor: Eve Ashwell @ Assembly Rooms
Colorist: Henri Pulla @ Pullapost
Online: Eetu Niininen @ James Post
Sound Design: Akseli Soini and Marko Nyberg @ El Camino Helsinki
Music: Justin Vernon
Music publishing: Kobalt Music
Performance: Birdy
Music master rights: Warner Music

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