Enterprise Rent-A-Car "no matter what" (2016) :42 (UK)

American customer service for the British? Absolutely. No matter what whacky stuff they get up to over there, Enterprise Rent-A-Car, sorry, Hire-A-Car, is there. Brad (the American) doesn't understand the people dressed as chicken on the way to a marathon, or the crazy hat on the lady on her way to Ascot or the bonfire. His confusion draws as many laughs as holding the mirror up to the British and their silly ways. In other words this ad does a great job at poking fun at America and the UK at the same time. Love it.

Client: Enterprise
Agency: DARE
Executive Creative Director: Brian Cooper
Creative: Andrew Edelston
Creative: Philippa Smith
Senior Producer: Tiernan Hanby
Business Lead: John Fogarty
Account Director: Roxanne Courtman
Director: Rawson Thurber
Producer: Miranda Johnstone
Director Of Photography: Jordan Valenti

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