Every car commercial during COVID

This parody gets everything right about how shallow and transparently obvious the car company advertising is right now. Even the voiceover and soundtrack is perfect.


During these difficult times, we all need to stick together. For years we've been there. Supporting you every step of the way. In tumultous times like these. We want you to isolate. Stay safe. And remind you...

...that we're still open for business. And that you should continue to purchase our products. And feel good about doing so. You can now, in the year 2020 purchase from us online. And if oyu need to come into one of our locations,  we've finally begun cleaning our disgusting stores. We've taught our staff how to properly wash their hands. For the first time. And they now will no longer grab your face. Or try and touch your teeth.

In addition, when you make a purchase,  we want you to feel secure financially. So if you can't continue to make payments, we'll give collection agencies your social security number, one digit at a time, and read slowly to give you more time to make a run for it.

Let's all come together to stay safe. So you can buy our products. And continue, to buy our products. Never die. And keep giving us money. Forever. Just remember. We're still here. For you. For us.



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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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