Fiat Palio - Boob Job / Best moments in life - (2012) Argentina

Excuse me Fiat? You're showing off the Fiat 500's fantastic looks in the Gucci/Fiat ad, while in this Argentinian commercial for the Fiat Palio you're showing off .... human airbags.

Yes, I groaned when I typed that, making that pun hurt me more than it hurt you.
But the ad here hurts my brain. Fiat has now taught me that when my lover says he likes me "natural" and just the way I am, he is lying. Nice. Fiat, is the car for dysfunctional couples' best moments in life. I'd rather have the real down-to-earth Toyota moments a.k.a connections in life. Those moments are real. So I guess Fiat is a plastic car.

Join me next week when I overanalyze a plate of beans!

Agency: Leo Burnett Argentina
Client: Fiat Auto Argentina
Product: New Fiat Palio
Title: Surgery.
ECD: Seto Olivieri
CD: Dauquén Chabeldin
AD: Hernán Cuñado
Production manager: Federico Puricelli -- Sebastián Tarruella
Production Company: Ursula
Director: Lemon
Executive producer: Adrián D'Amario
General producer: Johanna Trosman
Eagle eyes: Marto Otonello
Music: SupercharangoPost-Production: Wolf

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Sexist rubbish.