For the first time ever, a French agency tops the WARC creative ranking. BETCH is announced as most creative agency in the world.

The prestigious WARC has just revealed its annual Creative 100 ranking, that lists the most creative ad agencies in the world. First in the ranking this year, BETC Paris confirms once again its world class agency status.

‘’Being #1 is a huge honour for us. It rewards the effectiveness of our creative approach, which is what we have always worked for. We are particularly delighted with this news which falls the year the agency turns 30.’’, say Mercedes Erra (President & Founder – BETC Group), Bertille Toledano (President – BETC France), Rémi Babinet (President, Founder & CCO – BETC Group) and Stéphane Xiberras (President & CCO – BETC France).

#1 Agency for creativity: BETC Paris

After gradually climbing the Creative agencies ranking since 2019, BETC Paris have secured the top place for the first time. With three campaigns in the top 100, for Women in Games, Duolingo and Canal+, the Havas Creative Group agency accrued a winning margin of more than 100 points.

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