Grey Stockholm moves their entire site to Facebook

On Tuesday this week, underwent a transformation, now there's simply a link to there.

We're moving to Facebook We want to be where people already are, and 2.5 million Swedes are on Facebook, so that's why we have moved our site to Facebook.

their facebook comment explains. It's no clever use of youtube like is, nor is it the very clever javascripted social web framing of Modernista's work on the web, but it's a move. To Facebook. Why? To Resumé David Schwieler explains: "We've been planning/doing this for a while. The big advantage is that one doesn't have to update one's ordinary homepage, which is both boring and complicated."

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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HowieSPM's picture

Dumbasses. Perfect example of why the Ad Industry is broken. People are freaking stupid. What happens in 2-4 years when everyone leaves Facebook. Do they turn their old site back on? And is Grey a division of a very big Ad Conglomerate that I can bet against th stock going up?

Facebook claims 500mil + accounts. Yet in July they had 146mil unique visitors to the site. Yes that is a lot. But only 1 in 6 US Consumers visited Facebook. Per Facebook Stats page 65%-70% of accounts that log into Facebook do nothing. No commenting, liking, or updating.

I tweeted about this last night that somehow technology Companies and Marketers can snow other Marketers. It amazes me. All I can say is Good Luck and Short that Stock!

fairuse's picture

Disclaimer: Facebook gets on my nerve every time I have to get some card punched proving FB & ME socialize. I am in the end, right back where I started - The over designed corp web pages. Gd Facebook is a RecCenter (Civic Center?), 1860's commons or whatever. Not a good place to sleep; you live around it.

The latest time ME & FB socialized is T-Mobile tossing out on twitter, "send us your G2 un-boxing photo & we will post it on the wall". HUH? Why bother. Then I thought reeling in the 'old fart' brain would allow this date with FB to go smoother. Right on schedule (15 min after login) ME & FB started fussing over stupid shit.

Photo upload fail 3x had me looking for a catch and I found it when the "email the photo" popup intervened. Instead of seconds of wasted time attaching photo to message, they just let the error handler do the work, thus I had to blow off time vectoring between utility programs - Facebook & e-mail. Why not just tell me to use "special for me email" up front. I don't care they are not ready with event wall that is separate from main one, I don't want to be fucked with. Long and short -- photo is where I expect it -- in my photos mapped to their "others" not T-Mob itself. This is Marketing messing with people in a way customer service has to live with even though it is a CustServ gig. Same stunt different century's tech (1980ish pc compatible). Don't think T-Mob CustServ takes a hit (never had problem with them) but the marketing angle + implementation was half cooked was visible to even me.

Rant day for me? Low sleep whining maybe. Maybe I used too many words to say FB is a tool to help achieve a goal not the goal itself. The exact thing HowieSPM said.

This what shipped for all the marketing hype

Neo's picture

I have to side with Howie on this one. What Modernista did was clever, because it said "we know the social web" by showing they were already all over it. What Boone Oakley did was even better, because they used everything within youtube to show off their work, making the sites navigation via youtube. Both of these skills are being sold to their customers. Will Grey now start selling the ability to start a facebook fan page? Are their clients comfortable with their work suddenly being owned by Facebooks, as per their constantly changing terms of service. This feels like an old idea and not properly thought out.

Dabitch's picture

I'm not sure why (because god knows I fricking hate it) but Facebook is immensely popular in Denmark and Sweden. Every time I visit an office I see FB on everyones screens. So to be fair, Grey Stockholm has a point with their "everyone is already there" comment.

Except us cool kids. We're on twitter. ;)

Neo's picture

Isn't that kgeiger in the screenshot?

Dabitch's picture

Yep, that is kgeiger!

I have a feeling Grey Stockholm ain't gonna "like" this page.

kurtberengeiger's picture

Caught in the act...

purplesimon's picture

I guess I must be missing something. Or Grey Stockholm asked Asa Bailey to come up with a viral idea. Sheesh.

Neo's picture

ASA Bailey! I haven't heard the name in years, is he still around?

purplesimon's picture

Yeah, I think he's working at Grey Stockholm ;-)

claymore's picture

How do I put Farmville posts on their Facebook page? I need help harvesting my turnips!

Grey are fools's picture

Do they regret this now, when everyone is leaving Facebook?