Guinness Africa – Botswana Bikers are Made of Freedom #MadeofBlack - (2014) (UK)

The Botswana Bikers are metalheads who have perfected thunderdome chic, and use their power for good. "Metal is everything, it's in our heart, it's in our blood". The Botswana metal heads are seen as guardian angels, rather than the menacing leather-clad biker gang you'd expect. They know that they draw attention and do mass rides for charity to harness the attention for good. They're bad-ass. They are Made of Freedom. They are #MadeofBlack.

See also the two minute commercial, the creatives Bee Diamondhead, DJ Steloo.

Agency: Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO
Client: Guinness
Creative Director: Mike Shalit
Copywriter: Mike Sutherland
Art Director: Anthony Nelson
Agency Producer: Nick Godden
Agency Producer: Holly Pienaar
Director: Sam Brown
Prod. Co.: Rogue Films
Post Production: The Mil
Audio Post: Wave
Editorial Company: Final Cut
Editor: Amanda James

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