Guinness - "The Fridge" (2006) :30 (UK)

The advert for Guinness titled 'Fridge' was filmed in Prague on a massive set that was built to the exact proportions of a real fridge, but scaled up.
The barman character was played by a Czech actor who used two huge plastic 'pint glasses', one empty and one black, to move around on set. The beer shown in the advert is actual real Draught Guinness, which was poured into a regular-sized pint glass. This scene was filmed against a blue screen and then the Guinness was edited onto the giant pint in post-production. Neat.

The aim of this is to build on the famous 'Good things come to those who wait' campaign, emphasizing the fantastic experience that people can have with Guinness in the comfort of their own homes. The advert shows that Draught Guinness in cans is just as good as the beer served in a pub, by telling the story of a barman in an unconventional bar who pours a massive pint of Guinness beer.

Title "Fridge"
Advertiser Diageo

Ad agency: Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO
Production Company: HSI

Art Director Peter Davies
Copywriter Adam Rimmer
Director JJ Keith
Account Planner Ashley Alsup
Editor Bill Smedley
Post Production MPC
Advertising Manager Russell Jones
Media Planner Ian Edwards

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