Gulf Power - 24 cents - (2007) : 30 (USA)

We'd like to point out that the light graffitti trend has already been used in commercials, here’s an example from May March this year, months before that Sprint Waitless campaign.
Agency: Luckie & Company

Airdate: May 2007
Client: Gulf Power (Florida, USA)
Creative director: Brad White
Art director: Chad Crowley
Copywriter: Andy Odum
Animation work by Secret Legion

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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tod.brody's picture

Right, but correct me if I'm wrong, the concept is light graffitti, but the execution in 24 Cents is cg, not actual photographic light graffitti.And I'm not being critical of Secret Legion, because I think they do great work. 

Dabitch's picture

Looks like stop-motion to me.

tod.brody's picture

I think it looks like cg, but I'm going to call Secret Legion and find out.  :-)

DavidGriner's picture

Yep, it's stop motion. (I just walked down the hall and asked the art director who created it.) The animation crew used some neat tricks to keep the illustrations consistent, but none of it was CG.