Gundersen "Farm Accident" (2017) :30 (USA)

Nice storytelling here with a great misdirect at the end. The scene is set. It's a Farmhouse in winter. A person is lay immobilized in a barn, surrounded by emergency response people. An IV drip is in their arm. A worried farmer looks on, standing in a snow covered next to cows. As they prepare to airlift the patient out of the scene, camera reveals it is a dummy. And then the supers come up: To be the best in our fired, we sometimes train in yours.
Makes Gundersen Health stand apart by showing just how far they go for preparedness.

CLIENT: Gundersen Health System
Chief Business Development & Marketing Officer: Pamela Maas
Marketing Manager: Shawn Stevenson
Marketing Information Specialist: Julie Besl

AGENCY: Preston Kelly
EVP / Creative Director: Chris Preston
Associate Creative Director: Anne Taylor
ACD / Copywriter: Terry Thomas
Senior Broadcast Supervisor: Anne Swarts
Account Supervisor: Ron Hall

PRODUCTION COMPANY: kaboom productions
Director/DP: michele atkins
EP/Owner: lauren schwartz
Head of Production/Producer: steven sills

Editor: Mike Weldon
Senior Producer / Partner: Kelly Nelson

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