Harley-Davidson - Unchained - (2011) :30 (USA)

Tool Director Geordie Stephens recently teamed up with Victors & Spoils to helm a pair of freewheeling spots for Harley-Davidson.

Unchained opens on a dog chain steadily tugging at a stake. An imprisoned canine attached to the tether tears the stake from the ground and breaks free lurching across the yard, leaping a fence, and tearing off after the Harley-riding hero whose revving engine had inspired the escape. The camera pans wide then, revealing a wide shot of a neighborhood overrun with dogs chasing behind the bike as a cacophony of joyous barks breaks out.

Client: Harley-Davidson
Spot Title(s): Liberation, Unchained
Air Date: August 2011

Agency: Victors & Spoils
ECD: Evan Fry
CD: Noah Clark
EP: Eric Rasco
Account Director: Sarah Holbrook

Prod Co: Tool
Director: Geordie Stephens
EP(s): Brian Latt, Oliver Fuselier
EP Digital: Dustin Callif

Editorial Co: Number Six LA
Editor: Kevin Zimmerman
EP: Crissy DeSimone

Post/Effects Co: Method
VFX Supervisor: Rob Hodgson
Lead Flame: Pierre LaQuerre
EP: Robert Owens
Producer: Cara Farnsworth

Telecine: CO3
Colorist(s): Sean Coleman, Siggy Ferstl

Music Co: Noiselab Music

Sound Design Co: Soundelux DMG
Sound Designer: Masanobu Tomita

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