Hornbach - Hymne - is sweeping awards circuit

What do a woman in a fish costume, a weed-strewn parking lot, and dancing naked men holding balloons have in common? Absolutely nothing, which is just one reason why Director Nico Beyer's Hornbach spot, Hymne, out of Berlin agency Heimat, is storming through the awards circuit: it is a seamless, poetic integration of incongruous images that promotes the home improvement superstore with a poignant story of renewal.

Beyer, who is represented in the US and UK by Crossroads Films, directed the spot via Partizan Berlin. As an earnest, rhythmic voiceover thunders through a script encouraging viewers to "make it your project", a sequence of falling walls, abandoned buildings, bursting pipes, and mold-choked rooms collides with improbable fluffy indoor clouds, floating clocks, a rainbow of paint splashing skyward from jilted cans, and a photo of a disintegrating bathroom suddenly sprouting greenery from every opening. Absurd, hilarious, beautiful, the :60 is a memorable feat of editing and abstract storytelling.

Hymne has earned countless awards and seems destined for more. Most recently, the spot earned silver for Best TV Spot and Best Director and gold for Best Script at May's German Art Directors Club festival in Frankfurt, the most recognized advertising festival in Germany. The commercial earned the distinction of being the top prize-winner at KLAPPE, also in Germany, earning three golden awards - Best Directing, Best TV Spot, and Best Cinema Spot - and a silver for Best Script. Other accolades include a gold medal in the Creative Use of Media category at the Montreux International Advertising and Multimedia Festival, gold at the Spotlight Awards, and a win in the Integrated Campaign category at Belgrade's Epica Awards.

Client: Hornbach
Spot Title: Hymne
Air Date: October 2009

Agency: Heimat, Berlin
Creative: Guido Heffeis
Copywriter: Matthias Storath

Prod Company: Partizan, Berlin
Director: Nico Beyer (represented by Crossroads in the US & UK)
Director of Photography: Jean-Louis Bompoint
EP: Moritz Merkel

Music: Mosermeyer

Shoot Location: Berlin

Read more: http://www.trustcollective.com/portfolio/content/crossroads_hornbach.php#ixzz0phT3iR7a

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Killer video. I loved it.