Hubba Bubba "gum by numbers" posters, Australia

Hubba Bubba wants to "keep Australia beautiful" and to encourage people to do something nice with their used gum rather than just spit it out on the street. So they did this clever wild poster campaign with "paint by numbers"... er, no wait "gum by numbers" art for gum addicts to stick their colorful globs of gum on instead.

Ad agency: DDB Sydney
Creative team: Jason Young Typographer
Matt Eastwood Executive Creative Director
Steve Back Deputy Creative Director
Iggy Rodriguez Art Director
Steele Bonus Art Director
Justin Carew Art Director
Jakub Szymanski Art Director
Iggy Rodriguez Copywriter

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Plywood's picture

I hate that I really like this.

Dabitch's picture

Aw. Gooey gum makes Plywood melt. :) It's a great idea. It would have scored 5 from me had I seen a poster that was full of gum, I mean, did people stick to the numbers? What did the end result look like? :) Curious cats want to know.

alex's picture

Seconded. Can you imagine how long it would take to complete the pictures? I have this sneaking feeling that the end result would not only be revoltingly similar to The Incredible Melting Man, it would also be a biohazard.

TDD's picture

Just put a school, library, or picture theatre chair out on the street. It will attract chewed gum to it.

"Happiness is overrated."

Plywood's picture

Do a google image search of "gum wall" and you'll see that the gum totally keeps its shape (doesn't melt or sag)... It's ugly beautiful.

As long as people follow the guide, the end result will be really cool. I bet as the thing progresses, people will get into it and start chewing different gum to have the right colour to fill in specific parts of it.

adlib's picture

I wish I hadn't done that image search, the Seattle Gum wall made me develop severe mysophobia.

tod.brody's picture

Mysophobia indeed. There's no way I would do that image search. The whole concept of a gum wall just creeps me out.

Wendall's picture

Cool idea, but putting gum on that thing when it nears completion would be quite gross.

Dabitch's picture

I just spotted this over at Advergirl: Is local artist Ben Harben inspiring Australian advertising?

edupdf's picture

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