Humongo gets ready to tour the nation: will they stop at your business?

It's now 3 days, 00 hours, and 28 minutes until Humongo Nation goes on tour again. They will 4square, tweet, photograph, film, blog, and even food blog their way around the USA as they stop to meet brands they admire, surprise visit creative people, marketing wizards, ad agencies, and generally do my dream vacation in a faboo Ford. I'm so jealous, honestly, I think I'll have to get hired by Humongo one of these days, the closest I get to that now is helping tend to brandflakesforbreakfast* while the Humongo crew are busy sharing every step of their creative road trip with us all. Don't forget to tune in! If you want them to visit you, give RJ or Darryl a shout, details under the link.

* Yes, DarrylOhrt has done the same for Adland back in February this year, bless.

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