ICA - Got the grill ready, go make salad woman - (2014) :40 (Sweden)

"Meh, lever vi på kritatiden eller?"

The new girl at ICA, Cindy 2, is a bit of a rude smartarse.
As Ica-Stig and Ica-Sebastian set up the grill and conclude that the temperature is just right, they ask Cindy to go make a salad while they take of the grilling. Her retorts set off a backward evolution.

1st: "Do we live in the eighteenhundreds?"
2nd: "Do we live in the middle ages?"
3rd: "Do we live in the stone age?"
4th: "Do we live in the cretaceous age?"

.......and the punchline, when the two bizarre-looking organisms asks primordial Cindy to go make salad, she responds: "What's salad?"

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