Largest group of Radio Listeners

Radio listening is highest among professional, upper-income adults, according to initial findings in Arbitron's RADAR 72 Radio Usage Report.
Top-line results from the media and marketing research company's report found that in a typical week radio reaches 99% of adults who hold a professional or managerial position and have a household income of $50,000 or more.

(click to read more)

Arbitron next week will release the complete RADAR 72 Radio Network Audience Report. Radio's All Dimension Audience Research (RADAR), which is released quarterly, measures audiences for radio commercials aired on the 31 individual radio networks operated by ABC Radio Networks, American Urban Radio Network, Clear Channel Communications' Premiere Radio Networks and Viacom-owned Infinity's Westwood One.

Results are based on telephone surveys of 12,000 Americans over the age of 12 throughout the country from January 2001 through January 2002.

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