Lavalife - Orgasm Outtakes (2007) 0:50 (Canada)

The word "orgasms" is kind of hard to say with a straight face.

Agency: Zig, Toronto
Creative Director: Martin Beauvais
Associate Creative Director: Stephen Leps
Associate Creative Director: Aaron Starkman
Copywriters: Steven Barr, Melanie Hurst
Art Directors: Craig Ferguson, Laura Rogers
Producer: Anna Tricinci
Team Leader: Emily Robinson
Planner: Jennifer Breton
Coach: Andy Macaulay
Production Company: OPC, Toronto
Director: Brian Lee Hughes
Executive Producer: Harland Weisz
Producer: Jeff Low
Director of Photography: Tico Poulakakis
Editorial: Aaron Dark, The Jugernaut, Toronto
Music/Sound Design: Mr. Tunes, Elliot Fienberg

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