The Lenovo tapes - viral films from inside labs

Take a little Blair Witch attitude, some amateur homepage, a computer lab, a few Quicktime movies, and add a big helpful of "boring" and what have you got?

The Lenovo tapes - a newish viral for IBM Thinkpads with a big recycled idea feel.

Is this really new? It seems so old in the idea...?

Anyway, they have some silliness, like the anti-fall mechanism that allows a thinkpad not to break.

Why is it labeled "KENT"?

I need to keep coffee off my laptop.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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AnonymousCoward's picture

There was a guy that had site about his effort to make transformer out of minicooper (dunno if that was fake), had some photos and videos. Site not operational atm, but you can try google cache of

So those Lenovo tapes reminded me of that site.

viralmeister's picture

Think you'll find that the Mini Robots 'mystery' was created by Crispin Porter + Bogusky

Dabitch's picture

yeah we wrote about it back then as i recall. I'd look it up and link it but I'm in a mad hurry to get somewhere. ktxbye.