Lexus - Turn table - (2009) .30

Produced by NYC-based Rabbit, Belgian director Raf Wathion blends in-camera trickery with VFX for a recent Lexus LS campaign via Team One, El Segundo.

Client: Lexus
Spots Title: Turn Table
Air Date: October 2009

Agency: Team One Advertising
CCO: Chris Graves
GCD(s): James Hendry, Craig Crawford
Copywriter: Molly Grubbs
Art Director: Ryan Fluet
Exec Producer: Jennifer Weinberg
Producer: Helen Park

Prod Company: Rabbit
Director: Raf Wathion
DP: Stephen Blackman
EP: Douglas Howell, Anura Idupuganti
Producer: Fred Vrancken

Editing Company: Butcher
Editor: Dave Henegar

Music: Robot Repair
Composer: Kael Alden
Executive Producer: Doug Darnell

Post Production: The Mill, Los Angeles
Executive producer: Sue Troyan
Producer: Arielle Davis
Shoot Attend: John Leonti
Lead Flame artist: Giles Cheetham
Assistant Artists: Ant Walsham, Billy Higgins, Gavin Camp, Mike Plescia, Shane Zinkhon
CG Lead: John Leonti
CG Artist(s): Michael Panov, Meng-Yang Lu

Shoot Location: Hollywood, CA

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