LG airs ad in Canada during Super Bowl asking "Show Us Your Set"

LG Electronics Canada will debute a new TV commercial on during Sunday's Super Bowl broadcast as part of a new promotional campaign, encouraging Canadians to 'Show Us Their Set'. The promotion is an interactive online photo contest that will collect images of Canadians' "sets" nationwide, as submitted through entries at www.lg.ca/yourset. The "sets" may include their out-of-date television set or a "set" of some other kind—entrants are encouraged to use their imaginations when entering.

"What better time to get people talking about TVs than the Super Bowl, one of the biggest TV events of the year," says Andrew Barrett, VP of marketing for LG Electronics Canada. "This is the first time that LG Electronics Canada has debuted a TV commercial during the Super Bowl and it’s a perfect match. The Super Bowl exemplifies the fun and excitement of a great TV experience, and these are the type of moments that LG wants to bring to Canadian homes. In short, life's good when you have the perfect LG home theatre system."

The 'Show Us Your Set' TV campaign has been built in partnership with Brand Buzz, a division of Young & Rubicam, and is part of the like-minded "Complete Your Set" retail promotion that will be hitting Canadian retail stores to coincide with the TV campaign. The promotion will offer consumers a complementary up-converting DVD player with the purchase of every LG 60-inch plasma television set.

The "Show Us Your Set" online contest will run from Monday February 5, 2007 through Sunday March 18, 2007 at www.lg.ca/showusyourset. To enter the contest, entrants must upload an image of their "set" and provide a short explanation of why they need or deserve a new home theatre system. All entries will be judged on need and creativity and the winner will be awarded a new LG 60-inch plasma television set and home theatre system.

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