Link lust: Tweeting in the dark, Google can no longer divide and conquer

BBH LA created tweeting in the dark for Björn Borg and I found that I'm dancing with myself. Visiting Niagra Falls, touring Tazmania. Oh how sad. Please someone stamp my passport.

PDN Online: Judge Blocks Google's Divide-and-Conquer Strategy in Big Copyright Cases - this is interesting.

The ruling is a procedural decision, not a final ruling on the merits of the case. But it is important because it effectively blocks Google from using a divide-and-conquer strategy to defeat the claims of the plaintiffs.
"The impression I had at the hearing was that Google was saying, 'Bring it on as 10,000 individual cases,' because they know full well that individuals are not going to bring these cases because they don't have the means," says ASMP executive director Eugene Mopsik.
Not only does the ruling enable all the plaintiffs to continue suing Google with strength in numbers, but it affirmed that trade associations have standing to pursue copyright claims on behalf of their members, Mopsik says. "That obviously has implications for this case, but also for future copyright cases."

Meanwhile "This advertising life" published the worlds most epic no fuck given gif as a comment on timesheets and the entire advertising world collapsed in a heap of giggles and retweets.
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