Lipton Sparkling Iced Tea "Tiny Bubbles" (2015) :30 (USA)

Sung to an updated bouncy version of the Hawaiian classic "Tiny Bubbles," this trippy spot features people floating around after drinking sparkling Lipton Tea. Kind of like Willy Wonka except without the burping.

Creative Agency: DDB New York
Client: Lipton
Regional Business Director: Marina Zuber (DDB)
Chief Strategy Officer: Stuart Hazlewood (DDB)
Executive Creative Director: Janet Guillet (DDB)
Creative Director: Luke Carmody (DDB)
Creative Director: John McGill (DDB)
Executive Producer: Joanne Diglio (DDB)
Editor: Stitch
Visual Effects: Swiss International AB
Media Agency: Mindshare
Director: Style War
Production Company: Smuggler/Goodgate
Soundtrack Name and Composer: “Tiny Bubbles” written by Leon Pober and re-recorded by American Authors
Audio Post-Production: Stitch
Public Relations and Social Media: GOLIN

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i really love this catchy little version of "Tiny Bubbles"