Lloyds - House in the Sky (2010), UK

RKCR/Y&R wanted to convey the flexibility of a Lloyds TSB mortgage to the customer. RKCR/Y&R did this by showing a flying house that happens to run into bad weather which they navigate through safely then emerge out the cloud to a sunny and clear sky. The conclusion being that it’s better to be flexible because you never know what is going to happen in life.

• Advertising Agency: RKCR/ Y&R • Creative Director: Damon Collins • Copywriter: Anne Marie Holub • Art Director: Mary Ann Schmittzehe • Planner: Anna Tetlow • Account Director: Sarah Wood • Account Manager: Laura Knight • Agency Producer: Fiona Plumstead • Media Company: MEC • Production Company: Studio AKA • Director: Marc Craste • Editor: Nick Gill • Producer: Sharon Titmarsh • Post-production: Moving Picture Company • Audio post-production: Jungle

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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caffeinegoddess's picture

Nice. Their tagline bugs me though - why the ellipsis?

Dabitch's picture

Homage to the late Herb Caen? :)

RLDavies's picture

I think the ellipsis is to imply that your "journey" never ends. Well, not until you kick the bucket, anyway, but then they won't be interested in your business any more.

Every ad in this series (which has been running for years now) implies it's only a small episode out of the characters' lives, with lots of rather mysterious backstory and a clear sense of going on into the future. The very first ones were more obvious, centred around a journey on "the train of life" that's glimpsed in this one.

kamari's picture

The ellipses work for me.