LostJaw.ca might make you loose your lunch

lostjaw logo A pressrelease sent to us reads "YOUTHOGRAPHY AND THE NOT TO KIDS! COALITION LAUNCH GROTESQUE CHEWING TOBACCO PSA CAMPAIGN TO ONTARIO TEENS" - and by golly, they aren't kidding about the "grotesque".

In order to resonate with the 13-18 year old target demographic it was important to show the possible physical effects of chewing tobacco in a visually arresting manner. "The shocking image of a typical high school student on picture day with a portion of his jaw left exposed and raw from mouth cancer or ulcers was designed to promote a reaction and stick in the minds of consumers who see it." says Youthography Creative Director, Sean Claessen.

(the horror inside)

The website LostJaw.ca even shows an animation of that dude's jaw rotting off, ugh, and spends a lot of time debunking tobacco myths.

"There was a lot of false information circulating about chewing tobacco, specifically that it is a healthier alternative to smoking cigarettes, and we wanted to ensure that we presented the facts to help set the record straight." says Nicole Fawcette, Project Manager, Youthography.

Apart from the website and posters, there's stickers of that spiffy logo that run as inserts in Verve Girl, Desperado and Fuel which kids can stick all over the place, a.k.a "guerilla peer-to-peer distribution". Be prepared to see lost jaws everywhere.

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