Lowe young creatives win place at Cannes

To select a team from UAE, a competition was organised by the Cannes Festival Gulf representative in Dubai Media City. Rachna Dhall (AD) and Ash Chagla (CW) from Lowe Dubai beat out the 20 other teams. They had ten hours to respond to a brief that asked "foster public education and awareness regarding the challenges faced by children with special needs". Their reply:

Congrats and have a great week in Cannes Rachna and Ash.

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CopyWhore's picture

Nice insight that people love to stare at those stricken with Down Syndrome. I mean, I don't. But I'm sure lots of people do...

AnonymousCoward's picture

But isn't that Corky from Life Goes On?

AnonymousCoward's picture

The insight is great, the art direction is solid, but the writer