Mac vs PC wars heat up in banner advertising

Lovely! Brandon Barr found this awesome ad banner placement of the Mac vs PC guys mocking Vista on a page reviewing Microsoft Vista. Nice one! They've surrounded the Vista review with a talking blinking ad insuniating that Vista will never work, and ask the viewer to "upgrade to Mac". Go check it out, but if the banner isn't there when you arrive Armit Gupta has posted a film of the banners actions here so we don't have to. Super.

Update! Adweek writes

The placement, created by Omnicom Group's TBWA\Media Arts Lab, quickly struck a chord in the tech community, setting off something perhaps unprecedented: blog posts and message board discussions about the banners, and even a YouTube video showing it in action. The video, which Apple fan site uploaded, has received over 70,000 views since it was uploaded on late Tuesday, making it the 9th most viewed clip of the day.

One small problem: the ad was causing some users' browsers to crash and others to have audio problems, which led Engadget to pull the placement today. In a post today, Engadget editor Ryan Block apologized to visitors.

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kurtberengeiger's picture

"..the ad was causing some users' browsers to crash and others to have audio problems..."

I can only assume that they were PCs...


caffeinegoddess's picture

This "Don't give up on Vista" roadblock banner ad won Gold Cyber Lion in Cannes 2008