Mazda makes worlds longest ad in Tokyo

Possibly the worlds longest advertising poster was unveiled in Tokyo the 15th of feb. The long ad which features the Mazda Premacy, is on display in the Art Road underground walkway leading to Tokyo Station. The poster measures 311 meters (1,020 feet) in length, or "width" depending on how you look at it, and features sixty family portraits taken by Kishin Shinoyama. In all, 106 different images make up the poster, even celebrity couple Kei Shimizu and Miyuki Kosaka are in the ad as well as the photographer Shinoyama.

The currently recognized world’s longest poster advertisement was 274 meters in length, it was a 1998 poster for an opera concert in Rome, Italy. Mazda will petition Guinness World Records for official recognition of the world’s longest advertisement with this ad.

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A comment in the category of “nice-to-know”: The minivan featured on the poster will go under the name Premacy in Japan, while in Europe it will be called the Mazda5. The Mazda5 has undergone radical and surprising design and engineering changes from its European-market predecessor, the Premacy…