McDonald's - Open all night billboard - Outdoor - (2012)

McDonald's shows us how their "Open all night" reflective billboard works. By day, nothing. All white. Tremendously ad-free. By night it'll appear like a ghostly text enticing you to come get a coffee before you swerve off the road. It might not be the the pedestrian ghost levels of slam-on-your-breaks dangerous, but I'm pretty sure that sign would be non-kosher in Norway, where they regularly ban the H&M underwear ads for luring drivers into the ditch. Pretty clever tho.

Ad Agency: Cossette Client: McDonald's (Canada) Creative Director: Rob Sweetman Creative Director: Bryan Collins AD: Addie Gillespie and Mia Thomsett CW: Addie Gillespie CW: Mia Thomsett Producer: April Haffenden

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