Moms Demand Action - Kroger Shopping / Not Allowed (2015) :60 (Canada)

Grey Toronto created this ad for Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, where a simple shopping errand at Kroger supermarket serves as the backdrop. Teens riding skateboards through the aisles are asked to stop, kids playing with water guns are told to take it outside because they spill water on the floor (shot or not), and a woman with a dog is told that "we can't have dogs in here, we have food" because even the most well behaved pet canine brings in street dirt, barking and the possible eating of anything that fell to the floor. Meanwhile a man with what looks like it might be an AR-15, U.S. military service rifle*, saunters through the store picking up his groceries without anyone batting an eye. The difference between the man with a gun and the dog is apparent, licensed service dogs are allowed anywhere their person goes, including in grocery stores, according to federal law. Therapy dogs and your best friend the pet dog however can not join you grocery shopping. Licensed gun owners with open carry permits are allowed to bring their gun in super markets (in states where open carry is legal). Guns are not allowed at Kroger in states where open carry is not legal. Basically, you're boycotting a grocery store for obeying the law. Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America are hoping that Kroger will join Target, Starbucks, Jack in the box and Chipotle in asking their customers who have open carry permits to not bring their guns to their stores (ie; not shop there at all). Meanwhile, open carry is far more restricted than concealed carry, so people with that license may just be standing right next to you in line and you'd never know. Here's a handy map on which states allow open carry, surprisingly it's not kosher in Texas.

“Moms are thrilled to see Safeway and Albertsons leadership stand up for gun sense by clarifying and reinforcing its firearms policy – this gives us another clear alternative of where to shop alongside other gun sense stores like Target, Costco and Whole Foods, especially while Kroger has not yet responded to our call to keep customers and employees safe from gun violence in their stores,”

said Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America.

The 60 isn't the only part of the campaign, Moms Demand Action have also released the “World’s Longest Receipt”, an ongoing tally of dollars spent at Kroger competitors with gun sense policies. You can enter the amount you spent at another store with no-gun policies, stores like Whole Foods, Costco, Target, and now Safeway and Albertsons, and add to the tally. With this, Moms demand action believe that Kroger will see how much money is lost.

* Doesn't this count as a rifle/long gun? Open carry laws are different for those as well. Either way an AR-15 isn't meant for hunting deer.

Please note: we post the ads according country of creation this ad will only air in the United states and is targeted to the US, but is made in Canada.

Spot Title: "Not Allowed"​
Client: Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America

Agency: Grey Toronto
CCO: Patrick Scissons
Copywriter: Patrick Scissons
Account Director: Darlene Remlinger
Agency Producer: Erica Metcalfe

Production House: Spy Films
Director: Tamir Moscovici
DOP: Samy Inyah
Producers: Marni Luftspring, Carlo Trulli, Merrie Wasson

Editorial: Rooster Post
Editor: Paul Proulx
Online: Mike Bishop, Fort York ​VFX​
Colorist: Wade Odlum, Alter Ego
Audio: Apollo – Daenen Bramberger, Spencer Hall, Tom Hutch
Casting: Powerhouse​

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ArmedAmerican's picture

ALL of that other shvt isnt a what is your point...

Kay Samuels's picture

Verify yaself and pass comments so we all know who has what to say.... We all have the RIGHT of free speech and this ADVERT says what it needs to say to who it needs to say it to.